Friday, December 21, 2018


Gantt charts are only good for small projects

The Gantt chart helps you to schedule your project. Gantt charts are good for showing the project dependencies, the start and stop times for project tasks, and it provides a frame which can help anyone in the project for visualization. It helps one to easily calculate the critical path. Gantt charts are only good for small projects.

In the case of more complex projects, one can use the PERT chart, commonly known as the network diagram. This can be used for projects which are complex and it will show the relationships between the project activities. Rather than visualizing the whole of the project, it can help you to visualize part of it.

A histogram is also another chart which is popular in project management. It works well to help the project team improve the quality of their work by relying on historical data. You then have to choose the processes which you will improve. It can help you know where a problem which occurs more frequently is coming from.

Dashboard/status report

Communication between the teams which are involved in development of the project is very essential. There should be effective communication among the member of the project team, the sponsor, and the stakeholders. A project status report or dashboard is an effective and efficient way for you to express the status of your project at any time. There are a number of software programs which can allow you to create this report. A good example of this is Microsoft Excel.