Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Its helpful when inputting passwords or typing quickly but if youd rather switch it

Turn off lowercase keyboard characters

The standard iPad keyboard displays lowercase keys, and only swaps to displaying capital letters when the shift key is pressed. If you prefer the traditional setting of always showing capital letters for keys, then open the Settings app and go to General > Accessibility > Keyboard, then turn off Show Lowercase Keys.

Turn off the character preview when typing

Every time you tap on a letter while typing youll see a brief pop-up that displays the letter in capitals. Its helpful when inputting passwords or typing quickly, but if youd rather switch it off then open the Settings app and go toGeneral > Keyboard and toggle off Character Preview.

Use Multi-Touch to turn the keyboard into a trackpad

To easily select text using iPad place two fingers on the keyboard while youre writing a note, message, email or document, and youll notice that the keys fade away and the keyboard turns into a giant trackpad. You can now slide your fingers around to move a text cursor around the screen, making it easy to select a specific word or letter.

You can also double-tap with two fingers (while leaving both fingers on the screen during the second tap) to select a word. By dragging your fingers across the trackpad you can quickly and easily select multiple words and sentences.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

A good example is in the task of image detection

a good example is in the task of image detection

Deep learning has become popular mainly because of the impressive results that it has attained in several learning problems. Unlike traditional machine learning algorithms whose performance seem to plateau beyond a certain point regardless of the availability of data, deep learning models generally get better with more data. The factors for the meteoric rise of deep learning are summarized below:

Data: The availability of data which has been ushered in large part by the internet has lead to more data being collected in the past few years than at any point in human history. The amounts of data being stored is gigantic and this has lead to a wave of deep learning applications. A good example is in the task of image detection. With billions of natural images now available on the internet, deep learning models have been trained on millions of well labelled examples to the extent that they now outperform humans at the task of image classification. This is true across other learning problems where big data is now available to train large models.

Hardware: The processing speed of computers has grown exponentially over several years in line with Moore’s law. This has enabled larger computations to run on more powerful processors in a shorter period of time. The creation of Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) which are generally 50 times faster than Central Processing Units (CPUs) at deep learning tasks made it possible to train larger models on bigger datasets. GPUs which were originally designed to render graphics in the gaming industry have proven to be specially suited to parallel computation of the kind which is predominant in deep learning as feature learning is usually separated into small chunks and computed via a distributed infrastructure.

Watch this video on youtube to see how it works in practice

Watch this video on youtube to see how it works in practice

If you want to show your eBook or a screenshot of your online course on the screen of a notepad, use PowerPoint. You can easily create a mockup like this without using any additional tools.

All you need is a picture with a frontal view of a laptop or notepad (download my samples here). Then open this picture in any image editing tool or software, or even in MS Word or MS PowerPoint. Insert image of your book cover or online course screenshot and place it on the screen area and adjust its size. When finished, save it as a png file with the right click of your mouse. Watch this video on YouTube to see how it works in practice.

In conclusion, remember that it is important to create a good quality book cover before you start working on its mockup. Because having a poor one might reduce your book’s success. Therefore, consider your books content and target audience when you are designing its cover. It must attract their attention either in printed or digital format if you are selling it as an eBook. Check out my book “Book Cover Design Formula” to learn how to create excellent book covers and apply the same techniques that graphic designers use.

what can be confusing are the sliders that you use to make adjustments

The best way to learn these tools is to use them

The next group of adjustment layers is about controlling Color Values.

The first two Adjustment Layers in this group — Vibrance and Hue/Saturation — use sliders to vary color depth and fine-tune color variations. The best way to learn these tools is to use them. Open an image and just make changes while you watch what happens to the image.

The Color Balance Adjustment Layer allows us to isolate and control colors as they occur in Highlights, Shadows, and Midtones. This degree of control can be very useful in Landscape photography where you might want to treat the clouds (highlights) differently than the ground (midtones or shadows).

The Black & White Adjustment Layer converts your image to Black & White. That is easy to understand. What can be confusing are the sliders that you use to make adjustments. They are all labeled with the names of colors. There really is a logical explanation for this.

When you convert a color image to black and white, you generally want the most contrast that you can achieve. This is what makes Black & White images pop.

The amount of contrast will be greatly affected by the colors in the original image. By adjusting these colors while looking at the B&W image, you will save yourself a great deal of guess work. You will be surprised by how much the yellow slider can affect a B&W image for example. It is particularly effective with skin tones.

thеrе аrе 2 аdvаntаgеѕ of lіnk buіldіng

Onе is lіnk building. Thеrе аrе 2 аdvаntаgеѕ of lіnk buіldіng. Onе іѕ thаt they wіll divert mоrе traffic tоwаrdѕ уоur wеb раgе аѕ wеll as it wіll іnсrеаѕе the ѕеаrсh engine rаnkіngѕ оf уоur wеb раgе ѕо drive organic (Sеаrсh еngіnе) trаffіс.

Fоr thіѕ, you hаvе to wrіtе dоwn аnd роѕt соntеnt оn various 5, 6, & 7-page rаnk аrtісlеѕ dіrесtоrіеѕ ѕuсh as:










Yоu post аrtісlеѕ оn thе аbоvе web dіrесtоrіеѕ. Thіѕ іѕ because Google simply lоvеѕ аnd truѕtѕ thеѕе websites. Sо іf each of these websites dіrесt towards уоur web раgе hаvіng аffіlіаtе lіnkѕ, іt wіll ѕhооt up thе page rаnk аnd thus mоrе web trаffіс. Nоw, thе ѕесоnd wау tо drive mоrе trаffіс tоwаrdѕ уоur websites іѕ ѕосіаl nеtwоrkіng and the third wау іѕ ѕосіаl media. Here are thе examples:








In ѕhоrt, you have to use уоur mind tо find оut mоrе аnd mоrе роѕѕіblе wауѕ tо dіvеrt the wеb trаffіс tоwаrdѕ уоur аffіlіаtе lіnkѕ. Once уоu dо all оf thіѕ hаrd work. Just ѕіt back аnd еnjоу thе ѕtеаdу раѕѕіvе іnсоmе соmіng into уоur bаnk ассоuntѕ.



Ensure that you write code to handle all types of error conditions

Here’s the bottom line when it comes to working with errors.

  • Always expect that errors can occur in a program.
  • Ensure that you write code to handle all types of error conditions.

30. Logging in Programs

One of the most important concept in programming, is logging of what is happening in the program. Logging helps one to understand how the program is behaving and whether it’s performing as per its requirements. In the previous section, we looked at error handling in programs. In order to ensure that these errors are recorded somewhere, we need to have a facility to log the errors. Programming languages provide a few different methods that enable us to log data. We’ll look at some of them next.

30.1 Debugging During Development

Some programming languages, such as C#, provide classes that can be used to write debug statements to the console of the Integrated Development Environment as the program runs. This helps give the developer a good insight as to how the program is running. Values, and how they flow in the program, can be seen via these debug statements. For example, the following snippet of code shows how to write a debug statement that outputs to the output window in Visual Studio.

first specify the name of your macro

Type your name and hit enter

Macro Name: It is important that you assign a name to your macro because Excel will give it a default name otherwise. The macro name should describe what it is going to perform.

Shortcut Key: Each macro must have an event that will take place for it to run. This event can include a press of a button or the opening of a Workbook. Once you assign the shortcut key to the macro and you press the key combinations, Excel Macro will start. Note, though, that this field is optional.

Store Macro In: A macro that is stored here means that it has an active Excel file. Therefore, if you open a specific Workbook, you can run the macro.

Description: This field is optional, but it can still be very useful when you have multiple macros in the spreadsheet. In addition, this field allows you to describe the macro to the user in greater detail.

Once the Record Macro dialog box shows up, the steps below will help you create a macro you can use to enter your name into a Worksheet.

  1. First, specify the name of your macro. Don’t go with the default name.
  2. Next, allocate a unique shortcut key, such as Ctrl+Shift+N, to the macro.
  3. Select OK and exit the dialog box before you start recording.
  4. Click any cell in the Worksheet. Type your name and hit enter.
  5. Finally, select Developer—>Code—>Stop Recording.


class Vehicle:

def showVehicleDetails (self):

print("I am vehicle class")

class Sedan:

def showSedanDetails (self):

print("I am sedan class")

#Create Class Car that inherits Vehicle and Sedan

class Car(Vehicle,Sedan):

def showCarDetails (self):

print("I am car class")

#Create object of car Class

car = Car()

#Access Vehicle class method


#Access Sedan class method


#Access child class method


In the script above we have three classes Vehicle, Sedan and Car. The Car class inherits both Vehicle and Sedan class. We then create the object of the Car class and access the Vehicle and Sedan class methods from the car class object. The example shows that a child class that inherits multiple parents has access to all the attributes and methods of all the parent classes. The output of the above example looks like this:

Method Overriding

In addition to having access to parent class methods, a child class can also override parent class method by providing its own definition for the same method name. Take a look at the following example to understand this concept:

#Create Person Class

class Employee:

def printdetails (self):

print("I am an employee of this company")

#Create Class Manager that inherits Employee

class Manager(Employee):

def printdetails (self):